Roofing Trends in Singapore

Roofing Trends and What’s Popular

As we progress further into the 21st century, roofing trends have been changing along with it. More and more homeowners are looking for eco-friendly roofing options, such as metal roofing and solar roofing. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular roofing trends of 2022!

As the economy changes, so should your choices

With the current change in global environments, concepts such as going green have embedded themselves deeply within the minds of consumers and led to a change in the economy. The preferences and choices of consumers have shifted to a more green perspective. So roofs such as metal roofing, solar roofing, as well as contrasting roofs have gained a significant rise in popularity. These roof types are becoming the new standard for both commercial and residential buildings!

Here are some popular roofing trends

Of course, roofing is not just a one-size-fits-all industry. Homeowners must consider their own needs and budget when making a roofing decision. But if you’re looking to follow the trends, these are the roofing options you should be considering for your home!

Metal roofing

One of the most popular roofing trends is metal roofing. Metal roofs are durable and long lasting, making them a great choice for eco-friendly roofing. Many consumers are attracted to it by its strength and durability. In addition, metal roofs are also environmentally friendly as they consist of recyclable materials and are able to be recycled themselves! Metal roofs have also proved to be energy-efficient as they reflect solar rays instead of absorbing it, making your home feel cooler.

Of course, with so many pros, metal roofing comes at a steep price, and is a great choice for those who are looking for an eco-friendly and durable roofing option, as long as they can afford it!

Eco-friendly roofing

Eco-friendly roofing is a roof that is typically made up of a variety of different materials. These roofing consist of rubber roofing, corrugated roofing, white cooling roofs, and green roofs. 

Eco-friendly roofing is popular for many reasons. For one, it helps to reduce the carbon footprint of your home. In addition, eco-friendly roofing is also durable and long lasting. Many consumers are also attracted to eco-friendly roofing because it is environmentally friendly and helps to reduce energy costs.

Of course, eco-friendly roofing does come at a higher price tag. But for many homeowners, the benefits of an eco-friendly roof present in the long term trump everything else.

Contrasting colours

When it comes to the colour of your roof, aesthetics is also an important factor on top of functionality. One of the top fazes in 2022 in roofing trends is the use of contrasting colours that boldly defines the look of a roof from afar. Darker colours absorb heat more than lighter colours, which are more reflective.

Asphalt shingles

One of the turning points in the history of roofs is the innovation of asphalt shingles and the utilisation of them in many modern homes.

To this day, asphalt shingles are one of the most prominent types of roofs that homeowners adopt. On top of being affordable, asphalt shingles fit any style of houses due to the flexibility of individual layers and tiles of the shingle. They are also common between consumers due to how easy they can be replaced should your roof sustain any damage.

Slate roofing

Slate roofing is another popular roofing option that has been around for centuries. Slate roofing is sought after for its aesthetics. Slate roofing is also known for its clean lines, contrasts, and textures that are easy to match any home’s design.

Roofing is a delicate process, and your decisions matter in the long term

As you can see, there are many roofing options available on the market. It is important to consider all of your options before making a decision, as roofing is a delicate process. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and it is important to make sure that you choose a roof that will last you for years.

Additional Read: Step-by-step checklist on how to clean your roof

Consult a roofing contractor for the most optimal roofing choice

If you’re not sure where to start, the best thing to do is to consult a reliable and trustable roofing contractor. They will be able to help you assess your needs and budget, and find the roofing option that is right for you.

Make an appointment with us today!

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